USS Yorktown NCC-05 'Question with boldness, even the existence of God'

Ricketts' Award Winners

The Ricketts Award is given semi-annually to the best SIMmer on board the Yorktown as voted on by their peers and adjudicated by the Yorktown's Command Team. Quality and Quantity of logs as well as out of character involvement in TFE and the Yorktown are considered in determining the recipient.

Starfleet - Lieutenant (juior grade) Human M 2156.03.20
Starfleet - Lieutenant Human F 2156.10.13
Starfleet - Petty Officer First Class Human M 2157.03.24
Starfleet - Lieutenant Commander Human F 2157.10.27
Starfleet - Lieutenant Human M 2158.05.06
Starfleet - Defender Andorian M 2158.10.13
Starfleet - Lieutenant Human M 2159.05.02
Starfleet - Commander Human M 2163.03.20

The Ricketts' Award is named in honor of Lieutenant Milton E. Ricketts, who was awarded the Medal of Honor during World War II for actions on the USS Yorktown (CV-5) as described below...


Rank and organization: Lieutenant, U.S. Navy
Born: 5 August 1913, Baltimore, MD
Citation: For extraordinary and distinguished gallantry above and beyond the call of duty as Officer-in-Charge of the Engineering Repair Party of the U.S.S. Yorktown in action against enemy Japanese forces in the Battle of the Coral Sea on 8 May 1942. During the severe bombarding of the Yorktown by enemy Japanese forces, an aerial bomb passed through and exploded directly beneath the compartment in which Lt. Ricketts' battle station was located, killing, wounding or stunning all of his men and mortally wounding him. Despite his ebbing strength, Lt. Ricketts promptly opened the valve of a near-by fireplug, partially led out the fire hose and directed a heavy stream of water into the fire before dropping dead beside the hose. His courageous action, which undoubtedly prevented the rapid spread of fire to serious proportions, and his unflinching devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.